Welcome to Computer Science.
It’s awesome, it’s everywhere, it’s for everyone. Today, every technology and field are under the umbrella of Computer Science. Everyone in this world is absolutely interacting with and affected by this technology every day, no matter who you are. You can learn computer science to harness the Power of this technology, and apply it to whatever you are interested in. Computer science is affecting every industry and every field. It’s really affecting every aspect of our modern life. Computer science is all about Innovation, this technology allows you to create things that exist in the world that being used every day. For example, Apps, social media, AI etc. Computer science is basically all the innovations that are impactful on our everyday lives.
Course Objectives:
AP Computer Science Principles is intended to simulate an introductory college computing course. This course demonstrates the relevance of computer science by highlighting the importance of computing in society. Students will utilize Big 5 ideas that are central to computer science to sharpen their computational skills by analyzing, visualizing, planning and drawing conclusions from trends in large data sets. Students are asked to think creatively to solve problems and analyze computer data to forecast a future trend. This class will learn how computer science technology affects today’s society. Scholars will study machines language and programing language; they will learn how to convert binary number system to decimal system. Also, Students will develop computational thinking skills necessary for success in many disciplines such as software or platform, and other on-line apps to write algorithms in Python program language. The course endeavors to teach students to be creative and to use the creative process to solve computational problems. Students will construct and implement solutions to complex problems like what computer scientists and computer engineers do. Finally, students will be learning how to create apps for the Performance Task and College Board Exam.